
We are a community recapping solutions and conversations with parents, teachers, researchers, Board Certified Behavior Analysts and other experts on real world challenges in caring for, educating, engaging and motivating low functioning adults with autism.

Many of the most challenging behaviors and conditions will be addressed from aggression and eating disorders (e.g. Pica) to epilepsy and adult incontinence with discussions around the associated medications and therapies. The emphasis will be on providing practical answers to real world questions with how-to videos showing what works and what failed in a variety of in-home settings as well as outside the home.

Meet Our Team

Haden Hunt.

Haden Hunt

Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) with multiple years’ hands-on experience with challenging behaviors

Chandler Hunt.

Chandler Hunt

Licensed Massage Therapist and specialist in calming & relaxing therapy for low-functioning adults with autism

Kay Carr.

Kay Carr

Mom of autistic son and research coordinator of his care for 32 years with help from the University of Texas Special Ed & Speech Departments

Mike Carr.

Mike Carr

Entrepreneur of over 35 years and caregiver of adult autistic son

Ashley Elliott

Marketing and Administrative Assistant