Summer Camp for Adults with IDD

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Entrepreneur of over 35 years and caregiver of adult autistic son

In this video, Mike Carr takes us to’s summer camp, where young adults with varying abilities form sibling-like bonds. They engage in vocational training, with some even landing jobs at Crux Climbing Gyms! The camp combines job skills with fun activities, bringing joy to everyone involved. Stay tuned for videos showcasing the first week of camp!

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Mike Carr (00:03): 

Well, welcome back this week for a little change of pace. So instead of doing product evaluations and discussions of technology that works for the severely and profoundly autistic adults, we’ve decided to take you into the community and actually show you a real world setting in a summer camp kind of situation where our sister organization, our nonprofit, john, is taking a range of skills, a range of folks from late teens to mid thirties, and having them interact with one another in some amazing ways. So higher functioning folks that have more verbal skills are sort of budding up with lower functioning folks and building that almost sibling like relationship where they’re helping one another out. We take you through some vocational skill building things that they then can get out and get out into the real world and get paid for. Our son has actually now got a job at crux climbing gyms in autism, as does one of his buddies. But also mix those vocational, those job training skills with things that are fun, things that are exciting, and you’ll see the smiles and you’ll see the joy on some of the kiddos faces, adults faces, and their colleagues. And our John 13 staff take them through all kinds of activities. So the next few videos is the first week, three days of our summer camp, and you’ll get to see different environments that we’re working in and some of the cool things that are going on. Hope you enjoy it. 

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